MyStory Mondays 5-22-2017


MyStory Mondays is a weekly digest of our latest posts.
We are all done for the semester, but we are going to go back in time and share some posts that, we hope, will be useful to our new Danes!

New Danes – Make sure to complete your course request form and register for Orientation at

Excited or Straight-Up Nervous
about the Transition to College?

The following posts focus on this great change and what adjusting to college was like for other students. Enjoy! 

Many students have great difficulty asking for help. Some may not want to look ignorant, others may have had a bad experience with the help they received, others may simply not know who to turn to. If YOU have a question or your are struggling at any point in your UAlbany journey,  please know that WE WANT TO HEAR YOUR QUESTIONS! Even if we do not know the answer or have the help you need, we will connect you with whoever can.  The Help Me tab above, has a long list of resources. Check it out. The following students share what it was like for them to ask for help.


Brittany just graduated from UAlbany and she has some things to say about what it was like for her to ask for help.

Being at the University has taught me a lot over the course of these last couple years.  It’s taught me the importance of diversity and inclusion, the power in speaking your mind, the strength that’s found in a community, the will to set and meet your goals, and the most crucial lesson of all, never be afraid to ask for help.  I say this to you guys now as a second semester senior at this University, with a very high tendency to run from anything that throws me in the spot light. Read More

Jayvon Evans at right with his mentor Barbara Brown, Coordinator of Advising PLUS. (Photo by Naomi McPeters

Javon Evans found great help with Barbara Brown, Coordinator of Advising PLUS, a program designed to help students through various academic and personal struggles.

The following article is reposted from the UAlbany Students Facebook Page

I didn’t know what I wanted to do after high school. The one thing I really felt passionate about was fitness. I used to be overweight, and I looked for schools to help me with that. I found the World of Fitness Living-Learning Community, and it ended up changing my life. Not only have I grown as a leader, but I’ve also learned that I really do love helping people. Right now I’m working for University at Albany Campus Recreation at the SEFCU and Indian Quad gyms teaching Insanity on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays. After I started Insanity, I realized that this is what I want to do for the rest of my life. Being in college and teaching and instructing all these different kinds of people, with different backgrounds, and different personalities, has enabled me to integrate them into my own being and knowledge. I’m able to talk to and relate to so many different people. Read More 

Lee M

Lee McPeters graduated today. He has overcome many struggles and he had to learn how to ask for help the hard way.

Pathways. According to Oxford Dictionaries (,  a pathway is “a way that constitutes or serves as a path. a way of achieving a specified result; a course of action.” Whatever you call it or how you define it, this concept of a journey or path through life is always on our minds. The future is always present in our thoughts and the decisions we make and how we spend our time impacts our futures. I mention this because in order  to overcome the obstacles I faced and start working to my full potential, I had to overcome my own mind and  find validation within  myself. As I have said, I was my own worst enemy and I want to help those of you who see the same things happening in your life. Read More.

Click on the image below to read Drew’s story:

Drew Murphy


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Final Thoughts: Move Forward

amazon-1300350_960_720On,Tuesday, April 18th, I had my first interactive tabling session and it was a success! Many students participated by taking the time to reflect on the many types of losses and by answering one of the following questions:

  • What’s one thing you told yourself to get through one of these types of losses?
  • What’s one thing you would tell someone going through one of these types of losses?
  • What is one thing you wish you could tell a loved one you lost or a person you lost as a friend?

The types of losses that the students reflected on were loss of motivation, loved one, identity/sense of self,  friendship and academic/career opportunity. I was amazed that so many students could identify with at least one of these types of losses and/or would know what to say to someone who was going through a similar situation. Something I’ve talked about a lot in my blog posts this semester was the power that words hold, and it was evident that other students are aware of that power as well. Continue reading “Final Thoughts: Move Forward”

Outside of My Control

chaos-1820464_960_720.jpgMany students have circumstances, outside of their control that interfere with their ability to succeed in college. If this is your situation, right now, please know that there are systems in place to assist you. In some cases, students may be eligible for late withdrawals or special accommodation or through Undergraduate Education or the Disability Resource Center. If you are not sure what to do or where to turn, please contact any of the persons/offices listed below and they will connect you or provide you with the support you need:

Sally A. D’Alessandro
Director of Student CARE Services
Campus Center 361
(518) 442-5501

Barbara Brown
Coordinator, Advising PLUS
Social Science 308
(518) 442-3971

Your RA or RD

Your Advisor or the Advisor-on-Duty in the Advisement Services Center
The Advisement Services Center is located next to the staircase in front of the Main Library. The Advisor-on-duty is available M-F, 1pm-5pm.

Counseling and Psychological Services
400 Patroon Creek Blvd., Suite 104
Accessible via the UAlbany Shuttle
(518) 442-5800

ON CAMPUS COUNSELING  – Let’s Talk is a service that provides easy access to informal and confidential conversations with CAPS staff at various sites on campus. No appointments are necessary. It can help provide insight, support, solutions, and information about other resources. Let’s Talk is available when classes are in session. When Let’s Talk is not available, you can call us at (518) 442-5800 or email us at

  • Mondays 1pm-3pm Science Library in Career and Professional Development
  • Tuesdays 11am-1pm Department of Athletics, SEFCU Arena, Arena Level A35
  • Wednesdays 3pm-5pm Office of Access & Academic Enrichment, (EOP, CSTEP, Project Excel), LI 94
  • Click here for more information.

The Advocacy Center for Sexual Violence
Indian Quad, Seneca Hall Basement, Suite 009
(518) 442-CARE (2273)

The Advocacy Center for Sexual Violence provides a safe and welcoming environment for students to receive support and advocacy services in the aftermath of sexual violence including, but not limited to, sexual assault, intimate partner violence and/or stalking.

Disability Resource Center
Business Administration 120
(518) 442-5490

The Gender and Sexuality Resource Center
Campus Center 329
(518) 442-5015

Please help us assess to be our best!
Click here to fill out our 5 question survey.
Thank you in advance for your support.

Help Me!

Helping Hands

Whether you need academic, emotional or physical support, UAlbany has resources available to assist you. If you do not know where to  turn, speak to your academic advisor or your residential assistant. Even if we do not know the answer, we will be able to connect you to office or person who can. Whatever you are going through, we care and we are here for you. Please come and see us!



Here are some of our support services at UAlbany:

Advising PLUS is the place to go when you aren’t sure where to get what you need to be successful. We will work with you to identify what will help, and get you connected with campus resources.

  • If you need tutoring or are looking for a study group in ANY subject, Advising Plus is a great place to start when seeking help. On their Academic Assistance page, you may look for academic support by class subject to find out what supports are available. If you do not find what you are looking for, e-mail Barbara Brown and Amanda Parker can usually find the help that you need!

The Center for Achievement Retention and Student Success (CARSS) is a support service that was created to provide free academic assistance to intended or declared science majors. in Fall 2016, study group sessions are available for the following classes:

  • BIO 212Y, Introductory Genetics
  • CHM 120, General Chemistry I
  • CHM 220, Organic Chemistry I
  • CHM 221, Organic Chemistry II
  • CHM 350, Physical Chemistry I
  • CHM 444, Biophysical Chemistry I
  • PHY 105, General Physics I
  • PHY 140, Physics I

Math Tutoring Room The Mathematics department maintains a tutoring room in ES 138, staffed during business hours Monday-Friday. Students in 100 level courses have priority for this service.

The Advocacy Center for Sexual Violence provides a safe and welcoming environment for students to receive support and advocacy services in the aftermath of sexual violence including, but not limited to, sexual assault, intimate partner violence and/or stalking.

The Middle Earth Hotline is available if you are distressed, depressed or upset and you need someone to talk to ASAP. The Hotline is open from noon to midnight Monday through Thursday and 24 hours a day Friday through Sunday on weekends when University at Albany classes are in session during the academic year. Call 518-442-5777

Are you a Veteran?  First, we thank you for your service. The Veteran Educational Team (VET) is a newly formed committee comprised of faculty, staff, and students. VET aims to:

  • Identifying veteran priorities
  • Implementing, expanding and improving veteran services
  • Streamlined advisement and counseling resources for veterans

Help me questionsThe Counseling and Psychological Services Center promotes the behavioral and emotional health, furthers the social development, and enhances the academic success and personal resilience of University at Albany students.

  • Let’s Talk is a service that provides easy access to informal and confidential conversations with Counseling and Psychological Services staff. Students can walk in at various sites around campus Monday to Wednesday and speak with CAPS staff. No appointments are necessary. It can help provide insight, support, solutions, & information about other resources.

Disability Resource Center. Whether your disability is visible or invisible, this is the office that can assist you. Help step up

LGBTQ Resources. The Gender and Sexuality Resource Center (GSRC),
located on the third floor of the Campus Center in room 329, is a safe space for all students to engage in dialogue around the intersections of Gender & Sexuality on our campus and in our society.

Spiritual Services. There are many faith-based student groups on campus and spiritual leaders available to assist students.

Pre-Law and Pre-Health Advisement is available through the Advisement Services Center.

Project Excel offers academic Counseling, free-study group tutorials, and study skills workshops, supplemental advisement, personal counseling, and free peer tutoring to low income, first generation, and disabled students.

The CSTEP Program is designed for New York State residents (including permanent resident aliens) who belong to groups historically underrepresented and economically disadvantage in scientific, technical, health-related, or licensed professions and who demonstrate interest in pursuing professional careers.

The Writing Center offers students, faculty and staff a process-based approach to writing at any stage of the writing process. Please note: Tutors do not proofread or simply correct grammatical errors; instead they engage the whole writer and his/her writing process.

Campus Recreation Physical Activity can be a GREAT stress reliever! UAlbany’s Campus Recreation is devoted to you being your best. Check out their programs and events!

Connecting to Students with Similar Interests. Click here to view a list of all UAlbany Student organizations.

Advisement Services Center Advisors. The advisors in ASC are here to help you as you map out this chapter of your life and make plans for the next one. Come on over. Let’s chat!

Words of Encouragement

logoWhen I first started this blog, I didn’t know how much of an impact it would have on people. As much as I had hoped for at least one person to be able to relate to my experiences and feel some comfort, I did not actually think I would get the feedback I have received.

The past few weeks have shown me that I am supported by so many people, such as co-workers, my current Res Life supervisor, other Pro-Staff members, one of my professors, my counselor at CAPS, family and friends.

My post from last week was actually inspired by a conversation my friend Felix and I had back in August. We both experienced grief the previous semester, and did not reach out to anyone, nor each other, and we had similar reasons why we didn’t. He shared my post from last week on Facebook, remembering our conversation on that topic and reminded me, “Just know you’re not alone.” Continue reading “Words of Encouragement”

A Little Help Can Go a Long Way


males-1002779_960_720.jpgBeing at the University has taught me a lot over the course of these last couple years.  It’s taught me the importance of diversity and inclusion, the power in speaking your mind, the strength that’s found in a community, the will to set and meet your goals, and the most crucial lesson of all, never be afraid to ask for help.  I say this to you guys now as a second semester senior at this University, with a very high tendency to run from anything that throws me in the spot light.

Nonetheless, I have been in plenty of scenarios were my own stubbornness and nerves have put me in more harmful situations that I would have been, if I had just taken the time to ask.   Continue reading “A Little Help Can Go a Long Way”

#Peer2Peer: When Everything is Due All at Once

dsc_1261Hey Everyone! My name is Danielle DeAcutis and I am a junior majoring in Criminal Justice and Sociology as well as Emergency Preparedness, Homeland Security, and Cybersecurity! Yes, you read that correctly, I’m triple majoring. I’m also a Peer Advisor in the Advisement Services Center, serve on the E-Board for the Albany Criminal Justice Association and I work part time. As you can tell, I have a lot of things going on most of the time. You might be wondering how I manage to do it all; balance schoolwork, responsibilities, a job and a social life. I’m going to be completely honest, it’s not easy all the time. There are days where I get overwhelmed by everything and struggle to keep up, but I’ve learned to make it work. Many students might feel like there’s no way to have it all without making sacrifices. I’m here to tell you that it’s certainly possible to be able to do it all. Here are some tips that I learned over the past few semesters that help attribute to being successful, while keeping stress at the minimum level. Continue reading “#Peer2Peer: When Everything is Due All at Once”

You’re Not a Burden

burden-1296754_960_720.png“You’re not a burden, Kerry.”

That’s what I tell myself every time I even consider venting to a friend, family member, or even, my boyfriend. Everyone always tells me, “I’m here for you”, “Call me if you need me”, and “You can always open up to me”. But when an opportunity to vent presents itself, I have a hard doing actually doing so. It’s not that I don’t believe people when they tell me those things, it’s that when things are going great for my loved ones, I don’t want to be a buzzkill and start talking about how sad I am that my father and two friends died within two years. I don’t want to tell them how stressed I am because I have not solidified my post-graduation plans yet. I guess the psychology major in me is worried about transferring emotions onto others. That’s probably the number one reason why I hesitate with venting to friends and family. I can’t help but feel like I would be overwhelming them with my problems. Continue reading “You’re Not a Burden”




My name is Franshelis Calderon. I’m a junior here at UAlbany, and I identify as queer.

From the moment I arrived on the UAlbany campus in August of 2014, I knew I had a lot of self-exploring to do. It was finally my chance find myself independently, without the worry of what anyone else had to say. I had been waiting for this moment for, what felt like, a lifetime. Some of the things I discovered about myself during this time were that I loved to learn languages, Wings over Albany was my favorite place to order from, living with a random roommate was tough, and that I liked girls. Continue reading “Fransexual”

Pulled Back to Move Forward

Kerry BW.jpgMy name is Kerry DeBruce and I get it. As a senior, I get it. Even as just a person going through the motions in this thing we call life, I get it. It’s hard to move on, trust me.

It was hard to move on when I realized my friendship with my suitemate from freshmen year will never be the same. It was hard to move on when I found out my old manager from back home passed away. It was hard to move on when I didn’t get the job position I wanted for post-graduation. It was even harder to move on when my dad passed away. Continue reading “Pulled Back to Move Forward”